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Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

At Montana-Dakota Utilities we provide customers with access to incentive plans and conservation tips for more efficient energy use, as well as environmental information.

We take pride at Montana-Dakota in our efforts to be good stewards of the land and its resources. We live and work in the communities we serve and taking care of the environment is important to us. Montana-Dakota operates efficiently to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Our environmental goals are:

  • To minimize waste and maximize resources;
  • To be a good steward of the environment while providing high quality and reasonably priced products and services; and
  • To comply with or surpass all applicable environmental laws, regulations and permit requirements.

Montana-Dakota strives to minimize land disturbances while maximizing resource extraction, engage in wildlife protection practices, promote emission reduction and fuel conservation, work with wildlife regulatory agencies, develop water enhancement practices, ensure water quality protection, control and prevent the spread of noxious weeds, promote noise reduction, and implement programs to develop and enhance public spaces in the communities we serve. To see how Montana-Dakota achieves these goals, check out the company’s Sustainability Report.

Residential Incentives
Commercial Incentives
montana-dakota utilities LED street light replacement project
MDU has concluded a 2 year project to replace street lights throughout our service territory with energy-saving LED lights. The graph above highlights energy and cost savings these communities will see.

Resources for conserving energy

It’s important to look for ways to reduce energy usage around the home. As an ENERGY STAR partner, Montana-Dakota is committed to help you save energy and money.  The following list is provided to help identify ways to conserve and use energy more efficiently.